InBody Scholar

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Higher ratio of extracellular water to total body water was associated with reduced cognitive function in type 2 diabetes

Low et al.
Used Parameters : ECW/TBW

Publication Year : 2020

Country : Singapore

Journal : Journal of Diabetes

Background Fluid imbalance is associated with various clinical conditions, but the association between elevated extracellular‐water to total‐body‐water (ECW/TBW) ratio, an indicator of fluid balance, and cognitive impairment is unknown. We aimed to investigate relationship between ECW/TBW ratio and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods This study was a cross‐sectional design, comparing 1233 patients aged 61.4±8.0 years from the Singapore Study of Macro‐angiopathy and Micro‐vascular Reactivity in Type …
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