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Long‐chain fatty acids in sarcopenia patients with cardiovascular diseases: importance of n‐9 monounsaturated fatty acids
Nutrition | SMI | Katoh et al. | 2020 | Japan | JCSM Clinical Reports
Background Long‐chain fatty acids are essential components of the cellular energy supply, cellular membranes, and autacoid synthesis. It has been suggested that long‐chain fatty acids might be involved in the pathophysiology underlying sarcopenia. We investigated the association between sarcopenia and serum long‐chain fatty acid profile in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Methods We retrospectively investigated 308 cardiovascular patients [age: 72±12 (mean±SD), 174 male patients] admitted to our hospital. All patients …
The effects of daily food ingestion on improved immune functions and health promotion of bodybuilding athletes
Nutrition | FFM, FM, PBF | Joon-Hee Kim | 2018 | Korea | Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different weight reduction methods on the body composition characteristics, cardiopulmonary functions, and health promotion of elite bodybuilding athletes in a comprehensive manner. For this purpose, the study analyzed the effects of two different weight reduction methods on 25 elite bodybuilding athletes registered at the Bodybuilding Association over a period of 6 weeks. There were interactive effects on macronutrients, macrominerals, and antioxidants according to weight reduction …
Green tea consumption after intense taekwondo training enhances salivary defense factors and antibacterial capacity
Nutrition | BFM, PBF | Shiuan-Pey Lin et al. | 2014 | Taiwan | PLoS One
The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term effects of green tea consumption on selected salivary defense proteins, antibacterial capacity and anti-oxidation activity in taekwondo (TKD) athletes, following intensive training. Twenty-two TKD athletes performed a 2-hr TKD training session. After training, participants ingested green tea (T, caffeine 6 mg/kg and catechins 22 mg/kg) or an equal volume of water (W). Saliva samples were collected at three time points: before training (BT-T; BT-W), immediately after training (AT-T; …
Effects of glutathione s-transferase (GST) M1 and T1 polymorphisms on antioxidant vitamins and oxidative stress-related paramet
Nutrition | BW, BMI, PBF, WHR | Jeong-Hwa Han et al. | 2018 | Korea | Nutrition Research and Practice
RESULTS After supplementation, we observed significant decrease in DNA damage and increase in erythrocyte catalase activity in all genotypes. Plasma level of vitamin C was significantly increased in the wild/null and double null genotypes. The plasma levels of β-carotene, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity, and nitric oxide were increased only in the wild/null genotype after kale juice supplementation. CONCLUSIONS The effect of kale juice was significantly greater in the GSTM1 null genotype and wild/null genotype groups …
Plasma glucose and insulin responses after consumption of breakfasts with different sources of soluble fiber in type 2 diabetes
Nutrition | Body composition | de Carvalho CM et al. | 2017 | Brazil | American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition
Background: The amount and quality of carbohydrates are important determinants of plasma glucose after meals. Regarding fiber content, it is unclear whether the intake of soluble fibers from foods or supplements has an equally beneficial effect on lowering postprandial glucose. Objective: The aim of our study was to compare the acute effect of soluble fiber intake from foods or supplements after a common meal on postprandial plasma glucose and plasma insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Design: A randomized crossover …
Saturated fat is more metabolically harmful for the human liver than unsaturated fat or simple sugars
Nutrition | FFM | Luukkonen and Associates | 2018 | Finland | Diabetes Care
OBJECTIVE Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (ie, increased intrahepatic triglyceride [IHTG] content), predisposes to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Adipose tissue lipolysis and hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) are the main pathways contributing to IHTG. We hypothesized that dietary macronutrient composition influences the pathways, mediators, and magnitude of weight gain-induced changes in IHTG. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We overfed 38 overweight subjects (age 48±2 years, BMI 31±1 kg/m 2, liver …