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The potential of cardiac rehabilitation as a method of suppressing abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion: A pilot study

Physical medicine and Rehabilitation
Nakayama et al.
Used Parameters : BW, TBW, BFM, Protein

Publication Year : 2019

Country : Japan

Journal : Heart and Vessels

This study is a prospective evaluation of the effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in terms of clinical outcomes for small abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) that were previously reported in a retrospective cohort study. We conducted a prospective non-randomized trial on patients with small AAA (N= 40; mean age 75.0±6.6 years). Patients were enrolled into one of two groups, rehabilitation (CR) or non-rehabilitation (non-CR) group. Only CR group participated in a supervised-CR program including bicycle ergometer for 150 days. The AAA …
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