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Combined exercise training improves blood pressure and antioxidant capacity in elderly individuals with hypertension

Exercise Physiology
R. Ruangthai, J. Phoemsapthawee
Used Parameters : BW, BMI, SMM, BFM, PBF

Publication Year : 2019

Country : Thailand

Journal : Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness

Background/objective Although regular exercise plays a role in achieving healthy aging, a specific mode of exercise may be required for elderly individuals with hypertension (HT). Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effects of combined endurance and strength training (CBT) on blood pressure (BP) and antioxidant capacity in elderly individuals with HT. Methods In a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial, 54 older men and women aged 67±5.8 years completed endurance training (ET, n= 13), strength training (ST, n= 13) …
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