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Defining an international cut-off of two-legged countermovement jump power for sarcopenia and dysmobility syndrome

Body Composition Assessment
Hong et al.
Used Parameters : PBF, ASMI

Publication Year : 2020

Country : Korea

Journal : Osteoporosis International

We aimed to establish jump power cut-offs for the composite outcome of either sarcopenia (EWGSOP2) or dysmobility syndrome using Asian and Caucasian cohorts. Estimated cut-offs were sex specific (women:< 19.0 W/kg; men:< 23.8 W/kg) but not ethnicity specific. Jump power has potential to be used in definitions of poor musculoskeletal health. Purpose Weight-corrected jump power measured during a countermovement jump may be a useful tool to identify individuals with poor musculoskeletal health, but no cut-off values exist. We …
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