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SNP panel population genetics approach based in 1000genomes and Elite soccer players Submission Type: Original Investigation Gu
Exercise Physiology | Body Composition | Monnerat G et al. | 2018 | Brazil | International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
Purpose: Soccer is one of the most popular sport worldwide, a physical activity of great physiological demand and complexity. Currently, numerous trials involving physiological responses such as hypertrophy, energy expenditure, vasodilation, cardiac output, VO2max, and recovery supported the possibility of genomic predictors affecting performance. In a complementary way to association studies with SNPs, the objective was evaluate if the use of population genetics data from human genomics databases can provide information for a …
Exercise training-induced changes in inflammatory mediators and heat shock proteins in young tennis players
Exercise Physiology | SMM, BFM, PBF | Ewa Ziemann et al. | 2013 | Poland | Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Heat shock proteins (Hsp) represent proteins' groups, whose protective function, may be induced by heat, reactive oxygen species, cytokines etc. We evaluated blood levels of Hsp27 and Hsp70, and their relation to skeletal muscle damage and inflammation in young tennis players before and after the conditioning camp. Blood samples were collected directly after tournament season, 3-day rest and 14-day conditioning camp that followed. Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) demonstrated the highest concentration directly after tournament season …
Anaerobic performance after a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) followed by 7 days of carbohydrate loading in male basketball players
Exercise Physiology | Body Composition | MM Michalczyk et al. | 2019 | Poland | Nutrients
Despite increasing interest among athletes and scientists on the influence of different dietary interventions on sport performance, the association between a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet and anaerobic capacity has not been studied extensively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) followed by seven days of carbohydrate loading (Carbo-L) on anaerobic performance in male basketball players. Fifteen competitive basketball players took part in the experiment. They performed the …
Alkaline water improves exercise-induced metabolic acidosis and enhances anaerobic exercise performance in combat sport athlete
Exercise Physiology | BW, PBF | Chycki et al. | 2018 | Poland | PLoS One
Hydration is one of the most significant issues for combat sports as athletes often use water restriction for quick weight loss before competition. It appears that alkaline water can be an effective alternative to sodium bicarbonate in preventing the effects of exercise-induced metabolic acidosis. Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to investigate, in a double blind, placebo controlled randomized study, the impact of mineral-based highly alkaline water on acid-base balance, hydration status, and anaerobic capacity. Sixteen well …
Effectiveness of an upper and lower limb resistance training program on body composition, nerve conduction velocity, and cardia
Exercise Physiology | BW, BMI, TBW, FFM, BFM, PBF, V리, Protein, Mineral | T Padkao, P Prasertsri | 2019 | Thailand | Journal of Exercise Physiology
ABSTRACT Padkao T, Prasertsri P. Effectiveness of an Upper and Lower Limb Resistance Training Program on Body Composition, Nerve Conduction Velocity, and Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Activity in University Athletes. JEPonline 2019; 22 (2): 78-98. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an 8-wk resistance training program of the upper and lower limb muscles on body composition, nerve conduction velocity, and cardiac autonomic nervous activity in Burapha University athletes. A randomized pretest-posttest study was …
Slower but not faster unilateral fatiguing knee extensions alter contralateral limb performance without impairment of maximal t
Exercise Physiology | SMM, BFM | O Prieske et al. | 2017 | Germany | European Journal of Applied Physiology
Purpose The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of unilateral fatigue of the knee extensors at different movement velocities on neuromuscular performance in the fatigued and non-fatigued leg. Methods Unilateral fatigue of the knee extensors was induced in 11 healthy young men (23.7±3.8 years) at slower (60°/s; FAT60) and faster movement velocities (240°/s; FAT240) using an isokinetic dynamometer. A resting control (CON) condition was included. The fatigue protocols consisted of five sets of 15 maximal concentric …