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InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications.

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Reference data of multi frequencies bioelectric impedance method in Japanese

Nobuyuke Miyatake et al.
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Used Parameters : FFM, SLM, PBF, BMC

Publication Year : 2009

Country : Japan

Journal : Anti-Aging Medicine

Objective: A device of based on the multi frequencies impedance method, named the InBody720, was developed for the purpose of estimating body composition. Methods: The performance, reliability and validity of this system were evaluated in Japanese subjects. Results: The coefficient variation (CV:%) in same-day tests was 1.96 (body fat percentage:%), 0.62 (muscle mass: kg), 0.63 (lean body mass: kg) and 1.09 (bone mineral content: kg), in three separate-day tests it was 3.59 (body fat percentage), 1.07 (muscle …
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