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Association of handgrip strength and muscle mass with dependency in (instrumental) activities of daily living in hospitalized o
Geriatrics | SMM, SMI, Segmental FFM, BFM | C. G. M. Meskers et al. | 2019 | Netherlands | The journal of nutrition, health & aging
Objectives Handgrip strength (HGS) and muscle mass are strong predictors for dependency in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) in community dwelling older adults. Whether this also applies to older hospitalized patients is yet unknown. We studied the association between HGS and muscle mass with ADL and IADL dependency at admission and change of ADL and IADL dependency at three months after discharge in older hospitalized patients. Design Observational longitudinal inception …
Prevalence of sarcopenia in pre-frail community dwelling older adult and utility of SARC-F, SARC-CalF and calf circumference in
Geriatrics | SMI, BMI | Lim et al. | 2020 | Singapore | Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls
Objective: To determine the prevalence of sarcopenia in the pre-frail community dwelling older adults based on the Asian Workgroup for Sarcopenia (AWGS 2019) criteria. In addition, the utility of case finding using the SARC-F, SARC-CalF and calf circumference on impact of prevalence was explored. Methods: 75 older adults≥ 65 years old were recruited between October 2019 and March 2020. The algorithms of AWGS 2019 was applied retrospectively to pre-frail participants recruited for an intervention study in primary care …
Associations between skeletal muscle mass, grip strength, and physical and cognitive functions in elderly women: effect of exer
Geriatrics | SMI, ASM, PBF, BFM | Kwon et al. | 2019 | Korea | Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical and cognitive functions and to examine the effects of resistive Theraband® exercise on sarcopenia-associated variables in the older population.[Methods] A total of 28 elderly women (age: 69.90±0.8 years) participated in this study, 15 of whom underwent elastic band exercise for 1 hour per day, twice per week for 8 weeks. The correlation analysis was conducted to identify the associations between body composition …
Relationship of low muscle mass and obesity with physical function in community dwelling older adults: Results from the Nagaham
Geriatrics | SMI | Tanaka et al. | 2019 | Japan | Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Aim Relationships of low muscle mass and obesity with physical function were investigated in older adults. Methods The participants were 1922 community dwelling persons aged 60 years or older (67.7±5.2 years old, 643 men and 1279 women). One-leg standing time, knee extensor muscle strength, and maximum walking speed were assessed. Muscle mass was evaluated using the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method, and skeletal mass index (SMI) was determined. For the obesity index, waist circumference with a stronger association …
Association of physical performance with oral function in older women participating in community‐based health exercise programs
Geriatrics | SMM | Miyoshi et al. | 2019 | Japan | Clinical Experimental Dental Research
Objectives This study aimed to clarify the relationship between physical performance and oral function in older women participating in community‐based physical and oral exercise programs. Material and methods We included 163 older women (mean age: 77.4±8.6 years) who participated in weekly health programs in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, from August to December 2018. Physical fitness was assessed using a handgrip strength test, a timed up and go test, a one‐leg standing time with eyes open test, and a 30‐s chair …