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Estimating survival in patients with cancer receiving palliative care: is analysis of body composition using bioimpedance helpf

Cancer/ Palliative treatment
Gregory Brian Crawford et al.
Used Parameters : TBW

Publication Year : 2009

Country : Australia

Journal : Journal of Palliative Medicine

Background: This research investigated whether bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) has the potential to improve prognostication in an outpatient clinic for patients with cancer receiving palliative care. Methods: Survival time, and BIS measures of basal metabolic rate and 11 body composition parameters (extracellular fluid [ECF], intracellular fluid [ICF], ratio of ECF to ICF, fluid in trunk and each arm and leg, protein mass, mineral mass, and percent body fat) were recorded for 84 oncology patients. Results: None of the BIS measures showed a …
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