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The optimal ratio of extracellular water to total body water (ECW/TBW) determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for
Nephrology | ECW/TBW | Sasaki N et al. | 2008 | Japan | Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
Does the presence of an arteriovenous fistula alter changes in body water following hemodialysis as determined by multifrequenc
Nephrology | TBW, ECW, ICW, ECW/TBW | Panorchan K, Davenport A et al. | 2015 | Thailand | Hemodialysis International
Multifrequency bioelectrical impedance assessments (MFBIA s) aid clinical assessment of hydration status for hemodialysis (HD) patients. Many MFBIA devices are restricted to whole body measurements and as many patients dialyze using arteriovenous fistulas (AVF s), we wished to determine whether AVF s affected body water measurements. We reviewed pre‐and post‐HD segmental MFBIA measurements in 229 patients attending for midweek HD sessions. Up to 144 were dialyzed with a left arm AVF (L‐AVF), 42 with a right arm AVF (R …
Impact of intradialytic blood pressure changes on cardiovascular outcomes is independent of the volume status of maintenance he
Nephrology | TBW, ICW, ECW, ECW/TBW | J. Shin et al. | 2018 | Korea | Journal of American Society of Hypertension
Intradialytic systolic blood pressure (SBP) changes are related to the volume status; however, whether SBP change impacts on adverse outcomes depends on the volume status remains uncertain. We retrospectively investigated the relationship among intradialytic changes in SBP, cardiovascular outcomes, and volume status in maintenance hemodialysis patients. We determined SBP changes (ΔSBP) as postdialysis SBP minus predialysis SBP and volume status as the ratio of extracellular water to total body water (ECW/TBW) using …
Characterization of sodium removal to ultrafiltration volume in a peritoneal dialysis outpatient cohort
Nephrology | ECW/TBW | Jacques et al. | 2020 | Switzerland | Clinical Kidney Journal
Background Failure to control volume is the second most common cause of peritoneal dialysis (PD) technique failure. Sodium is primarily removed by convection, but according to the three-pore model, water and sodium movements are not necessarily concordant. We wished to determine factors increasing sodium to water clearance in clinical practice. Methods We reviewed 24-h peritoneal dialytic sodium removal (DSR) and ultrafiltration (UF) volume in consecutive PD patients attending for routine assessment of peritoneal membrane …
Inadequate dietary energy intake associates with higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in different groups of hemodialysis pa
Nephrology | PBF, WC | Duong et al. | 2018 | Taiwan | BMC Nephrology
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been established as a risk for cardiovascular diseases and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Energy intake (EI) is an important nutritional therapy for preventing MetS. We examined the association of self-reported dietary EI with metabolic abnormalities and MetS among hemodialysis patients. A cross-sectional study design was carried out from September 2013 to April 2017 in seven hemodialysis centers. Data were collected from 228 hemodialysis patients with acceptable EI report, 20 years old and above …
Extracellular volume expansion and the preservation of residual renal function in Korean peritoneal dialysis patients: a long-t
Nephrology | ECW/TBW, BCM | Rhee H et al. | 2015 | Korea | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology
Introduction In chronic peritoneal dialysis patients, preservation of residual renal function (RRF) is a major determinant of patient survival, and maintaining sufficient intravascular volume has been hypothesized to be beneficial for the preservation of RRF. The present study aimed to test this hypothesis using multifrequency bioimpedence analyzer (MFBIA), in Korean peritoneal dialysis patients. Methods A total of 129 patients were enrolled in this study. The baseline MFBIA was checked, and the patients were divided into the following …